Haitzetik Ortzira

Ongi etorri!


Ongi etorri Joshka Natkeren webgunera, eskaladako gida AEGM-k egiaztatua eta Goierriko biztanlea. Zure eskalada hastapenetarako, proiektu bat burutzeko edo burujabetza handiagoa lortzeko formakuntza batetarako nirekin konta dezakezu. Zure aukera edozein dela ere, zurekin partekatuko ditut nire jakintza eta mendiarekiko maitasun eta pasioa. 

Ideiaren bat badarabilzu buruan, ez izan zalantzarik eta idatzi, zure neurriko proposamen bat egiten ahaleginduko naiz!

Welcome to Joshka Natke's website, a climbing guide certified by AEGM and resident of the Goierri region (Basque Highlands). You can count on me for your climbing beginnings, for a project, or for a training for greater sovereignty. Whatever your choice may be, I will share with you my knowledge and my love and passion for the mountains.

If you have an idea in mind, don't hesitate and let me know, I'll try to make a proposal tailored to you!


Zer darabilzu buruan? formakuntza edo gidaritza bila?


What do you have in mind? looking for a teacher or a guide?

Zerk desberdintzen nau? / What makes me different?

Hurbileko tratua 
Close treatment

Mendian zaudenean, zure sokakidea pertsona garrantzitsuena bihurtzen da eta elkarrekin bizitako abentura batek aztarnak uzten dituela uste dut. Horregatik, eskalatu ondorengo "tragotxoa" ezinbestekoa dela uste dut, pertsonak ezagutu eta ekintzaren oroitzapena ahalik eta politena izan dadin.

When you're on the mountain, your partner becomes the most important person and I think a joint adventure leaves a trail. That is why I think it is essential to have a "little drink" after climbing, so that people are known and the memory of the action is as beautiful as possible. 


Esperientzia handia irakasle gisa Great experience as a teacher

2007tik daramat haur zein helduei eskalada irakasten. Bitartean heziketa fisikoan irakasle ikasketak eta eskalada gida ikasketak burutu ditut. Urte guzti hauetan zehar, irakaste metodologia propio bat garatzen joan naiz.

I've been teaching climbing to children and adults since 2007. In the meantime, I've studied physical education and climbing guide studies. Over the years, I've been developing my own teaching methodology

Euskara / Castellano / Deutsch / English

Euskal herrian jaioa, baina familia erdia alemaniarra izanik, txikitatik 3 hizkuntzatan izan naiz hezia. Eskolan ikasitako ingelesa alpeetan lanerako ere erabili izan dut, beraz 4 hizkuntzatan lan egin ahal izateko zortea dut.

I was born in the Basque country, but half of my family is German, so I have been educated in three languages since childhood. I've also used English learned at school to work in the Alps, so I'm lucky to be able to work in four languages. 


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